Preserving the health and beauty of our lake
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Enviro Lac Gauvreau

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Archived News


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Suspected late summer blue-green algae bloom inspires action

August 25, 2021 — In the midst of an unusually hot summer, the growth of what is believed to be cyanobacteria in Lac Gauvreau has led to a call for action. Enviro Lac Gauvreau has asked the municipality to assess the problem and help fix it, but as of this date, the Municipality has not responded. Residents are asked to help make their concerns heard by writing letters to the Mayor and the Administration regarding their concerns about this latest outbreak. A letter has been drafted that residents can send to select officials.

Stay tuned for updates.

> Draft letter (PDF)
> Draft letter (Word)

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New signs warn boaters to "Keep Outside" invasive milfoil beds

August 8, 2021 — Signs warning boaters to keep outside of the orange buoys that indicate milfoil beds have been posted at various locations, including on the lakeshore and on roads leading into the area.
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First Shoreline Restoration Workshop well attended

July 6, 2021 — Over 25 participants attended he first 90 minute Shoreline Restoration workshop organized by Enviro Lac Gauvreau member Daniel Kobewka. Topics covered tincluded:
• Explanation of why shoreline restoration is important;
• Discussion of how to restore your shoreline using the shorelines around my property;
• Discussion of native plant species that can be used and where to get them; and
• Demonstration of planting on a sandy shoreline.
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Full water quality testing is back in 2021

July 5, 2021 — Thanks to Municipal funding, a full battery of water quality assessments, including a three part testing protocol, is back in 2021. Samples were taken on July 5 and August 5th, and one more set is to come in September. Besides the new tests, volunteers Emma Doorly, Barb Booth and Susan Peck continue collecting E. Coli samples, done annually, to get a complete profile of Lac Gauvreau's overall health. It is expected that results will be released by the spring of 2022, pending further scientific advice and analysis.

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Milfoil marker buoys repositioned

July 1, 2021 — The orange buoys warning of the presence of Milfoil have been repositioned with the assistance of hard working volunteers. Many had drifted during the winter and others disappeared. There are forty buoys now deployed; we will assess the locations and move or add more as appropriate. Please note that the four buoys marking the shallow area in the middle of the lake, halfway between the island and the campsite, mark a milfoil bed and should be left in situ. New, more effective signs are being designed to remind users of the lake to refrain from activity between the buoys and the shore. Tell your neighbours too!
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Blue-Green Algae: A Lac Gauvreau problem

April, 2021 Blue-green algae blooms were sighted on Murray Bay in late summer of 2020 and in the spring of 2021. A suspected lake-wide bloom occurred again in late August, 2021, indicating the continued presence of high nutrient levels.

Gauvreau Lake News (archived)

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