Preserving the health and beauty of our lake
Enviro Lac Gauvreau
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Enviro Lac Gauvreau

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Privacy Statement

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For your security and peace of mind, our website is protected
by the same high level encryption used by banks.

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In accordance with Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), Enviro Lac Gauvreau may collect limited personal information from our website visitors, newsletter subscribers, and paid memberships. In doing so, however, we understand how important it is to uphold your right to privacy. The following Privacy Policy answers some of your most frequently asked questions, and lets you know exactly how we're protecting the information you entrust to us.
Please return to this page regularly should our Privacy Statement be updated.

What personal information might you collect about me?

We may collect the following information about you, the member or newsletter subscriber:
• Name
• Address of residence/cottage on the lake
• Phone Number
• Email Address
• Membership purchase history

When you visit our website, we may, but not necessarily, collect:
• Information about your computer, including your IP address, the type of operating system and browser you use, and your computer's location (i.e. town, city or municipality)
• What pages you visit on our site and what links you click on
• Any files that you download
• Referring website (i.e. Google or another website)
Note: Website visits do not give us any information about the individual, his or her name, street address, postal code, phone number, or any other data of a personal nature. In other words, you may browse our website with complete confidence that your privacy is ensured.

When you open and read our direct marketing (MailChimp) mass emails, we may, but not necessarily, collect:
  • How often you open our emails
  • The links you click on
  • The files that you download
  • Your mass email preferences
Note: Mass emails can be sent to you ONLY wth your permission. Permission can be implied (i.e. you already belong to a mass email list and have received mass emails from our organization in the past) or permission can be explicit (i.e. if not already on an active email list, you must sign up, giving us your explicit permission to send you mass emails). Opportunities to subscribe to our mass email list are available on our website. You always retain the right to unsubscribe from our mass emails at any time.

How do you use this information?

The main reasons we collect personal information from you are:
• Refining our constitutional mandate as a nonprofit organization
• Newsletter bulk email services
• Membership orders

Use of Personal Information for Secondary Reasons

We also may use your personal information for other, secondary reasons, including:

To complete a membership purchase
• Name
• Address of residence/cottage on the lake
• Phone Number
• Email Address

Membership service
• Name
• Address of residence/cottage on the lake
• Phone Number
• Email Address
• Purchase history

Membership relationship management
• Name
• Address of residence/cottage on the lake
• Phone Number
• Email Address
• Purchase history